JESUS Loves the Little Children, and you?

JESUS  Loves the Little Children, and you?

mercredi 27 octobre 2010

We can not Serve GOD without The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD

May GOD Bless you, Brothers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST ! We are happy today to share with you This Message from our GOD which calls us to let to The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD to guide our paths in our Ministry, because: as Servants of The LORD , we can't Serve GOD without The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD . Our SAVIOR AND LORD JESUS CHRIST says "But you will receive Power when The HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you, and you will be MY Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1: 8.
Brothers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST , we have to understand that: Our GOD calls us to Work for HIM all aroud the earth. The Work of GOD is The Work of GOD . It's not our Work eventhough that we could give our strenth, our money, our habilities, our times... The Work of GOD still is The Work of GOD . That's why we have to know well: how could we Serve our GOD better than we are doing it now? The answer of this principal question is simple: We have to let to The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD to give us Power and Authority to Share The Glorious Message of GOD all aroud the earth to the Human race.
Brothers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST , we have to let to The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD to Guide us in our Ministry in the earth. Because, when we are Preaching The Gospel, some times, we meet people who were guns un; But Only The Power of The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD cans open their hearts. So that, they will receive The Glorious Gospel which cans change their lives.
Let us remember in the past, some of us were like them (Spending time to prostitution, crimes, ...). But, when we were obedients to GOD , by trusting in JESUS CHRIST , Our GOD write our name in The Book of Life, wash our sin with The Precious Blood of our REDEEMER JESUS CHRIST . And, at this present time: we are Saints.
So, The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD Helps us to Pray GOD . The Word of GOD says
"26 Likewise The SPIRIT helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to Pray for as we ought, but The SPIRIT HIMSelf intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
27 And HE WHO searches hearts knows what is The Mind of The SPIRIT, because The SPIRIT intercedes for the saints according to The Will of GOD.

Also, The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD helps us to Preach. As we know it well: Only The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD cans give us the Right Words to use when we Preach, Share The Glorious Words of GOD . The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD helps us also to become Prouds Servants of The LORD and Strong Witnesses of The LORD too.
To let to The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD Guide our Ministry: we have to stand against sins in our lives. Because: The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD could not do HIS Ministry well when we fall and live in sins. We have to ask our GOD to forgive us when we sin; And take position to abandon sins in our lives.
GOD IS ready to use us, as HIS Servants; If we accept to set our selves apart.
Brthers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST , The Power is in a good relationship with GOD .
a) By Trusting in JESUS CHRIST
B) GOD seals us with HIS HOLY SPIRIT

Do Not forget: The Bible presents the Sons of Sceva in Acts 19: 11 - 16
11) And GOD was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul,
12) so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had thouched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them.
13) Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke The Name of The LORD JESUS over those who had evil spirits, saying, "I adjure you by The JESUS, Whom Paul proclaims."
14) Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this.
15) But the evil spirit answered them, JESUS I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?
16) And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

Brothers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST , we have to pay attention! It's not all people who can Pray with a little Baby who had a evil spirit in.
The Word of GOD says in Matthew 7: 21 - 23
21 Not everyone who says to ME, LORD, LORD, will enter The Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does The Will of MY FATHER who is in Heaven.
22 On that day many will say to ME, LORD, LORD, did we not prophesy in YOUR NAME, and cast out demons in YOUR NAME, and do many mighty works in YOUR NAME?
23 And then will I declare to them, I never knew you; depart from ME, you workers of lawlessness.

Brothers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST , Do Not agree with people who do bad things. But, let us present to them The Way of The Eternal Life.

We have to let to The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD to have The Controle of our spirit, our soul, our body, our mind, our eyes, our mouth...

We have to mPray to GOD much more than we do it now.
It's says: More Prayer = More Power
Less Prayer = Less Power
No Prayer = No Power
We have to remember: there is so many people who need us to Share The Glorious Gospel with them. So Let to The HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD to give us Power, so that we will be able to Bless them under The Power of The HOLY SPIRIT In The Name of JESUS CHRIST , our LORD . Then, The Power of THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD will convince their hearts.

24 The LORD Bless you and keep you;
25 The LORD make HIS Face to shine upon you and be Gracious to you;
26 The LORD lift up HIS Countenance upon you and give you Peace.
Numbers 6: 24 - 26.