JESUS Loves the Little Children, and you?

JESUS  Loves the Little Children, and you?

lundi 11 octobre 2010


At this present time, many persons all around the world are looking ways to stand against The Bible. But, by our side, we have the obligation to stand up for OUR GOD and for The Bible. It is important to present The Sound Doctrine, To Confirm that The Bible is “Inspire”.
Really, to obtain this goal, let’s try to understand the meaning of “Revelation”. <“The Revealed Word” is meant HOLY SCRIPTURE as written Revelation from GOD , authoritative Divine Teaching for all men at all times.>1
Even though GOD Reveals HIMself , some people do not want to realize this evidence which comes from the sixty-six Books of The Bible. This is a good reason to say that 2.
Really, to understand the meaning of The Revelation, it is fundamental to share the division of “Revelation”. 3
After presenting the meaning of “Revelation”, it is important to present the definition of “Inspiration”. So that, it will be clear to understand why we confirm this affirmation: The Bible is “Inspire”. At this present time, we are going to present this strong definition about “Inspiration” which permits to see that < GOD carried men along so that they wrote HIS Message in The Bible.>4 So, we can see this is GOD Who give directions to write HIS own WORD. As we know well, GOD IS SOVEREIGNS and HE does whatever HE wants to do, when HE wants to do with who HE wants to do. And, no mortal can stand against GOD .
GOD presents HIS Word to us: The Bible, which is The compilation of Sixty-six Books. These Books were written by authors that GOD has chosen. We are going to present these verses we find in The Word of GOD . The first of them is <2 Timothy 3: 16 – 17 16 All Scripture is breathed out by GOD and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of GOD may be competent, equipped for every good work.>5
Now, we can understand that: “The Scripture comes from GOD” . And, GOD reavels HIMSelf as HE wants to do it... Then, No mortal could think that he is able to say to THE ALMIGHTY GOD (to reveal HIMSelf in an other way, or: this Revelation is not sufficient…)… We, who are, the finite people and mortal all around the world have to realize the Grace of GOD ; WHO accept to share HIS INFINITE LOVE AND PARDON to the human race. We have to recognize that GOD IS GOD FOREVER . But, we are mortal. And little dust cans affect our health...
At the time of the fall, sin covers the human race... all that the human race should obtain is: the death. But, GOD accept to forgive us, when we put our FAITH in JESUS CHRIST : HIS SON: WHO IS THE WORD . Because The Bible says in John 3: 16
For GOD so Loved the world, that HE gave HIS only SON, that whoever beleives in HIM should not perish but have eternal life. Really 6
The second verses as a key verse are finding in 2 Peter 1: 20 – 21 (in The Word of GOD ).
20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation.
21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from GOD as they were carried along by The HOLY SPIRIT .>7
These verses explain well that no men who wrote The Sixty-six Books of The Bible did Not have their self control by using “The Words”. Because: GOD gave to them “All The exact Words to use”, so that The Word of GOD could never seems like words of men, even though GOD used men to write The Sixty-six Books of The Bible. 8 That’s why, it is important to know 9
The Bible is infallible and without errors. This is a Fundamental step in the relation of the human race with GOD . Because: we have to know really that The Sixty-six Books of The Bible are precious and represent The WORD OF GOD . By trusting in this truth, we become Obedient to GOD .
It is enough to try to stand against The WORD Of GOD . We are mortal and finite persons. The Word of GOD says in 10
At this present time, we can see how much The Bible is not a book like the others books, all around the world. It is Special and IT IS really One of The Armor of GOD ; So we have to take all of them finding in Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 ( The Belt of Truth, The Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes for the readiness given by The Gospel of Peace, The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation and The Sword of The Spirit, “which is The Word of GOD ”, are presented in Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 11
So, The Authority of The Bible is True and complete also. 12 Because it is The Word of GOD : it is Completely True. And, JESUS CHRIST WHO IS The SON OF GOD says in 13
Then, we can confirm that: The Bible Is The Word of GOD . And it is very Right to proclaim that GOD IS HOLY . < HE IS Separate and distinct from all impurity>14
Really: The Bible is The Word of GOD . And GOD , in HIS HOLINESS can Not make errors. So, < GOD gave us The Bible by finding willing people and speaking through them. This principle has always been the same. When HE found a willing one, HE revealed to that one the teaching.>15 And, because The Bible is The Word of GOD : It is without errors. The 16
All The True Christians always confirm that the BIBLE is the Word of GOD and does not contain errors. There are many Declarations which confirm that. One of them: 17

1 Merrill C. TENNEY, The Bible: The Living Word of Revelation, 1970, p. 31
2 Meredith G. KLINE, The structure of Biblical Authority, 1972, p. 75
3 James T. DRAPER, Authority: The critical issue for Southern Baptists, 1984, p. 18
4 Charles Caldwell RYRIE, Basic THEOlogy: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth, Chicago: Moody, 1999
5 The Holy Bible (English Standard Version>, 2001, p. 1199
6 Douglas MOO, Biblical Authority and Conservative Perspectives, 1997, p. 96
7 The Holy Bible (English Standard Version>, 2001, p. 1225
8 John R. RICE, Verbal Inspiration of The Bible, , 1943, p. 6
9 ibid, p. 6
10 The Holy Bible (English Standard Version>, 2001, pp. 1131 – 1132
11 The Holy Bible (English Standard Version>, 2001, p. 1178
12 LLOYD-JONES D. Martyn, Authority, Inter-Varsity Press, Chicago, Ill, 1964, p.94
13 opcit, 2001, p. 1089
14 Sheet about the “Attributes of GOD” distributed at Elizabeth Baptist Church, at a Sunday School, this October 10th 2010 at Atlanta, Georgia
15 FOWLER Clifton L., Eighteen principles of Divine Revelation, Maranatha Press, 1971, Lincoln, p. 254
16 MOO Douglas, Biblical Authority and Conservative Perspectives, 1997, p. 9
17 RYRIE Charles Caldwell, Basic THEOlogy: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth, 1999, p. 92

A. DRAPER James T., Authority: The critical issue for Southern Baptists, Fleming H. Revell company old Tappan, New Jersey, 1984, USA, p. 126
B. FOWLER Clifton L., Eighteen principles of Divine Revelation, Maranatha Press, 1971, Lincoln, p. 254
C. KLINE Meredith G., The structure of Biblical Authority, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1972, Grand Rapids, Michigan, p. 218
D. LLOYD-JONES D. Martyn, Authority, Inter-Varsity Press, Chicago, Ill, 1964, p.94
E. MOO Douglas, Biblical Authority and Conservative Perspectives, Kregel publications, 1997, Grand Rapids, Michigan, p. 240
F. RICE John R., Verbal Inspiration of The Bible, Sword of THE LORD Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1943, p. 29
G. RYRIE Charles Caldwell, Basic THEOlogy: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth, Chicago: Moody, 1999
H. TENNEY Merrill C., The Bible: The Living Word of Revelation, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1970, p. 228
I. The Holy Bible (English Standard Version>, Crossway Bibles, Wheaton, Illinois, 2001, p.1328